
使用Chase QuickPay或Zelle支持芝華宣道
Support Us through Chase QuickPay or Zelle

使用Chase QuickPay或Zelle的奉獻方式如下:
Please follow the steps below to donate using Chase QuickPay or Zelle

  1. 登錄到您的網上銀行帳戶(Online Banking)或銀行的手機應用程式(Mobile App)
    Log into your online banking account or bank Mobile App.
  2. 點擊“付款和轉賬”(Pay and Transfer),在付款方式的列表中選擇“Chase QuickPay with Zelle”或者“Pay with Zelle”
    Click "Pay and Transfer" button and select "Chase QuickPay with Zelle" or "Pay with Zelle" in payment method list
  3. 從收款人列表中選擇“添加收款人”(Add a Recipient)
    Click "Add a Recipient" in your receipients list
  4. 輸入“CCCM”並使用芝華宣道的郵箱(Use CCCM Email):
    Enter "CCCM" and use following CCCM Email address
  5. 確認您的付款賬號並輸入奉獻金額,並在備忘欄(Memo)註明您所支持的芝華事工,和您的電子郵箱和地址。
    Confirm your "Pay From" account and enter the donation amount. Be sure to include the donation category along with your address and email in the memo column.
  6. 提交並確認付款(有些銀行還提供固定重複付款“Repeating Payment”的選項可供選擇)
    Confirm and submit the transfer. (Some banks offer recurring donation option by choosing "Repeating Payment")

Please feel free to contact us if you need any help.