使用支票或Online Bill Pay支持芝華宣道
Support Us Through Check or Online Bill Pay
Mail Checks
支票抬頭請寫 Make the check payable to:CCCM
請將支票寄到 Mail the check to:
Chicago Chinese Christian Missions (or CCCM)
631 Illinois Route 83, Suite 204, Bensenville, IL 60106 U.S.A.
網上銀行Online Bill Pay一次性或定期自動奉獻
One-time or Recurring Donation Through Online Bill Pay
許多銀行的checking account都有免費的online bill payment功能,只要第一次設定金額和頻率後,就能一次性或定期(比如每月)自動讓銀行寄送支票至芝華宣道。可以隨時開始,隨時取消,十分方便。
Most checking accounts offer free online bill payment. Once you set the amount and frequency (either one-time or recurring), your bank will send the check to CCCM for you. You can start and stop at any time.
You can login your online banking account to setup online payment. Please contact your bank for more details. Here is a list of instructions from some common banks.
The information for online bill pay is basically the same as using checks
Payable to:CCCM
Name & Address:
Chicago Chinese Christian Missions (or CCCM)
631 Illinois Route 83, Suite 204, Bensenville, IL 60106 U.S.A.
Phone:(6222)MCCC -868 (748)